the rules are simple just answer the questions that followed...
1. Describe your self in THREE words.
smart, caring, independent
2. If you see a hot man/lady..what do you do?
just shut up and go away from her..because i know she must demanding person
3. If you have RM 100 what is the first thing you buy.
Perfume and clothes
4. If you are given the chance to have lunch with a famous
person, who would that be?
mm..of course Beyonce..I'm big fans of her!!!!
5. If you are stranded alone on the MOON, what is the THREE things you must have with you?
Mineral water, food( for 100 year) and TV which include Astro so I can watching Akademi Fantasia show
6. By using PAINT (a simple software where you can draw) draw your self having a good time. (draw and save and publish it in ur blog......)
me..watching of my hobby during my free time.