Tempat penggambaran filem Duyung..

Pegang starfish..really beautiful..
Infront Bukit Tengkorak

infront enterance Tampi-tampi..pose guess..
Pegang starfish..really beautiful..
Last 2 week ago...I join a journey to Semporna with my friends. .Really2 great day...when arrived in Semporna, first place we go is Tampi-tampi, which few of scene in Duyung Film have been made..ala..when the Duyung have been kidnaped. After that..we go to Tengkorak Cave..why the name is Tengkorak??I didnt know..but the place is a history palce which the human live and build a civilazation before century.
Then, we go to Bum-bum Island..hehe..really fun because we can see the different culture in there..I have been snaped few picture..hope u guess will come to SEMPORNA and see the truly beautiful of nature and GOD creature...
p/s: sory klu B.I ku bertabur..tgh practice utk MUET..huhu
Then, we go to Bum-bum Island..hehe..really fun because we can see the different culture in there..I have been snaped few picture..hope u guess will come to SEMPORNA and see the truly beautiful of nature and GOD creature...
p/s: sory klu B.I ku bertabur..tgh practice utk MUET..huhu
Hye Azhar...memamng tempat tu indah sekali, saya pun pernah ke sana, terasa tenang hati
yup..mmg semporna best..
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